If I had an iota of doubt pertaining to IK's credibility, his victory speech last night (26/07) diluted it in its entirety. A very different IK took the podium yesterday; he was humble, level-headed, succinct and focused on the very element that the leaders of the past have missed out on - the people of Pakistan, and especially the poor and underprivileged. The hope that Pakistan still has a future ahead of her has been rekindled. After living as an expat for a decade, I'm all the more attune to the challenges it poses. There's no doubt that living in a first world country has pros aplenty but it still doesn't change the fact around it being a foreign land for me - my skin color and accents are a pretty good giveaways due to which I'll always be Pakistani, and Australian only in papers. In a fantastical world where Pakistan is the nation Jinnah wanted it to become, there's no way in hell would've I migrated overseas. I don't want to sound delusional and living outside Pakistan has presented me with a lot of opportunities that would've been only a dream back home but it's the expression "back home" that encompasses the sentiment wholly.
With IK's rising popularity over the last couple of decades, his critics have also grew in substantial numbers. Even I've delved into criticizing him on some of his antics. But the funny part is that no matter what the criticism, there's one aspect that has never been a feature of ridicule - IK's intentions for Pakistan and it's people; His victory speech reinforced this belief in me a million times over. I wish I could've made it back to vote as well however wasn't possible under the circumstances.
So, IK's ready to take on the toughest possible job he could've ever dreamed of; that of the 19th Prime Minister of Pakistan. I would've been scared out of knickers at the prospect of taking on such a task but then, this is Imran Khan that we're talking about. If there's anyone who can make things better in Pakistan and live up to the claims he's made in his speech yesterday, it is him! This isn't the time to argue over IK's authenticity as PM or whether he was the most deserving of the candidates; it's prime time we move on, believe in his intentions and back him in every possible way because believe it or not, opportunities of this kind never present themselves to as debauch and far gone a nation as Pakistan. There's no level of hypocrisy, debauchery and moral depravity that we haven't indulged in; save a complete annihilation of Pakistanis, IK's the best alternative who may just be capable and driven enough to put Pakistan on some sort of a track towards sustenance and development.
I always have and still believe in what IK has to offer, and will continue to support his movement come hail, rain or shine. I feel blessed to be able to witness Khan's, "Naya Pakistan", at least I won't die dreaming! All prayers for IK and I really hope he delivers, not only to shut his critics up but for the sake of Pakistan; we deserve so much more!
Listen to his speech using the link below or just YouTube it. Now!